Via Ferrini, 24 Brescia


Hybrid 3D Scanning system Stationary/Handheld



Precalibrated 3D Scanners


Polyga 3D Scanners Range


Handheld 3D scanner

polyga h3 scanner 3d portatile ibrido


Affordable 3D Scanner

polyga s1 scanner 3d


3D Scanner for small parts

polyga c506


3D Scanner for large parts

polyga l6
Polyga H3 3D Scanner

Polyga H3 3D Scanner

The Polyga H3 is simply an all-round professional handheld 3D scanner that’s easy to use, portable, and high-accuracy at an affordable price. Powered by a pair of grade cameras at an ultra-high speed of 700 FPS, the Polyga H3 handheld 3D scanner captures physical objects into complete digital 3D models in minutes.

fas fa-hand-rock


The H3 handheld 3D scanner produces up to 1.5 million points per scan with an accuracy of up to 80 microns (0.08 mm) per scan.

fas fa-expand-alt

Hybrid 3D Scanner

The H3 pushes the boundaries of what it truly means to be a hybrid system. It captures extremely high-accuracy data in a single scan in both handheld and stationary modes.

fas fa-check


Polyga H3 è un sistema Inquadra e scansiona. Muoviti attorno all'oggetto fisico per catturarlo in forma digitale.

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Built For Agility

The H3 is powered by FlexScan3D 3D scanning engine that powers all Polyga stationary 3D scanners.

Polyga S1 PRO

Polyga Compact S1

Affordable Industrial Grade 3D Scanner

The Polyga Compact S1 Professional features professional-grade 3D scanning capabilities at an affordable cost. Polyga’s Structured Light Scanning Technology and Blue Light Technology consistently delivers high resolution 3D scans with incredible accuracy. No matter the project, whether it’s Reverse Engineering, 3D printing, Dental, or Quality Inspection, the integrated software FlexScan3D enables you to easily process detailed and accurate 3D meshes.

fas fa-tape

Dimensional Accuracy

30 microns (0.03mm)

fas fa-shipping-fast

Scan speed

250ms (0.25 seconds)

fas fa-braille

Resolution Point-to-Point

Up to 5 million polygons per single scan

fas fa-eye


From 165mm - 235mm / 300mm - 500mm

Polyga C506

Polyga Compact C506

Polyga Compact C506 is a macro 3D scanner that scans very small parts in high resolution and dimensional accuracy. Convenient and easy to use, this professional 3D scanner is factory calibrated for accuracy to get you 3D scanning in no time. The Polyga Compact 3D scanners are great for any companies, manufacturers, academic institutions, visual effect studios, and research labs that need accurate and reliable 3D scan data for visualization and measurement applications including: Reverse Engineering, Quality Inspection, 3D modelling and 3D Printing

fas fa-eye

Field of view (mm)

45 x 27 – 45 x 30

fas fa-braille

Resolution Point-to-Point

0.020 – 0.025

fas fa-check

Camera Resolution

5 megapixe

fas fa-tape

Dimensional Accuracy

0.02mm (12 microns)

Polyga L6

Polyga Compact L6

The Polyga Compact L6 3D scanner is a great measurement system ideal for medium-size and large objects, producing the largest field-of-view out of all the 3D scanners in the Polyga Compact series. It's also great for mechanical parts, robotic vision, human body and automotive components. The L6 is a non-contact 3D scanner factory calibrated for accuracy to get you 3D scanning in no time.

fas fa-eye

Field of view (mm)

265 x 225 – 375 x 345

fas fa-braille

Resolution Point-to-Point

0.18 mm

fas fa-check

Camera Resolution

3 Megapixels

fas fa-adjust

Dimensional Accuracy

80 microns (0.08mm)

Amazing Texture Color

The Polyga H3 also comes as a color option which is extremely valuable for applications where capturing high-quality color and texture information is important. Applications where color scans are useful include: Visual effects and gaming for 3D modeling. 3D inspection where color correctness of a product is important, 3D printing objects in color and capturing design intent of an object for reverse engineering where color information in crucial to the design

Polyga H3 texture a colori

Hands-Free Mode

The Polyga H3 is a flexible system that can transform into a plug and play stationary 3D scanner. Simply mount the scanner on a tripod and use a optional rotary table for automated 3D scanning. It’s completely handsfree and there’s no need for calibration. Set up the scanner and let the system do all the work for you. The H3 pushes the boundaries of what it truly means to be a hybrid 3D scanner. You get even better quality scans in a single scan by converting the H3 into stationary mode compared to handheld mode.

Polyga H3 tavola USB rotativa automatica

Polyga H3 3D Scanning Example

Physical Object
3D Scan